Yesterday was the last day I would look out the window to see if Blake's car was in the driveway. The last time I would get up in the night and look upstairs to see if his bedroom door was almost shut, the bathroom light on and the door cracked a little. Just the way he likes it. You see, it was our last night of "normal" ... Blake went off to college today...
Happy and sad. We are excited for him. Gary and I both relating to our own experiences at his age. For the absolute blast he will have at Western Oregon University. For the new chapter in his life. This part is necessary. It's the next step in Blake's process of growing up. Growing into adulthood.
The sadness in my heart is mingled with excitement for him. But as a mom I have to reflect...
Being pregnant... his bright blonde hair... a two year old who didn't want me out of his sight... long walks... bedtime stories... learning to drive...
When I looked out my window today I saw his black Subaru with the red mudflaps and wheels parked in the driveway. Automatic thoughts of "don't drive too fast, come home at a decent hour." The realization that he's not coming home tonight, or this week or next...
It sounds so sad and pitiful on my part and it kind of is... but doesn't every Mom go through this?
So there you have it... raw from a Mother's heart missing the little boy who was, the teenager who gave us so much joy and worry... hope for a bright future...
Blessings to you our little blonde haired, blue eyed boy! You are in for the time of your life, embrace it! We love you Blakey...
Blake |
Mom and Blake |
Blake and Dad |
Blake and Chelsea (sister) |
Mom and Dad