Sunday, September 19, 2010

best loved elements

best loved elements or simply said, favorite things... here are a few of mine...

lush late summer blooms

final fruits from a beautiful garden

objects in threes

this color palette

this book


the first signs of fall

an after school job for my son

a beautiful cloche

what are some of your favorite things...

it was fun sharing mine with you...


Chelsea said...

Aaawww, so sweet! I love all of these things too, and you, very, very much! Your blog is so pretty.

Unknown said...

I lol'd at the employment one! It's been a while since I have visited, so glad I did. You have a beautiful blog.

Patina said...

I think all your favorite things are wonderful. I too think an after school job for MY son sounds pretty good!!!
Hope he finds a great job!

Anonymous said...

I love your list of favorite things!
Some of mine are crisp, fall mornings; rustling leaves; a fire in the fireplace; a good book; the luxury of snuggling into my comfy bed; my daughters blog and my granddaughters blog.