My sister Sis and brother-in-law Stuart, their friend (and now ours) Heather, and my brother Tim all ran as well. My sister-in-law Nancy is training for the Portland to Coast and used the time to get in a great training walk! Sis and Stuart ran the Crater Lake Half Marathon the day before! Now that's impressive!
We had all kinds of things to celebrate over the weekend. Our Anniversary, Gary's birthday, Stuart's birthday, back to back half marathons, Gary's first half marathon and longest run ever, good health, life, love etc. etc...
Pictured from left to right: Heather, Laurie, Gary, Sis, Stuart, Nancy, Tim. This was before the race. It was a little chilly!
These were all taken before the race...
Don't party too hard the night before a race because you have to get up really early the next morning to drive somewhere and catch a shuttle... Just bear with me on this post, I want you to get the full race experience and if you get through this whole blog there is a big prize at the end (not really, but keep going).
We made it!!! Whoohoo!!!
Post race celebrating... (from left to right: Stuart, Sis, Gary, Laurie, Tim)
Sis and Stuart, the back to back half marathoners. Lookin' good!!!
Here's to new adventures... CHEERS!!!
congratulations you guys, on both the half marathon and also the 23 years! very impressive. i am so sad we missed you. i can't believe your sister and her husband did two half marathons, that sounds crazy hard, but what an accomplishment. sounds like a great weekend all around!
Happy Anniversary! 23 years is wonderful!! And a half marathon? I can't even imagine - I know I'd collapse, so cheers to you all for making it!
You guys are awesome!! How can it be 23 years? Congrats on completing the marathon!
congratulations on your woo hoo run! and happy anniversary too. thanks for your comment on my anniversary celebration post :) i can't believe i hadn't stopped by before...i saw you pop up in the comments over at barnhouse and thought "hey wait i want to say hi to laurie!" i will be at the sale and it looks like you plan to be there too. i will look for you!
I remember you! I am so happy you stopped by so I could find your blog! Happy 23 years! You two look so happy together...and good for you for completing a half of my sometimes goals! I can't think of a prettier setting to do it in!
I found your blog while reading Brittany's. Congrats on the marathon! How did you train for it? I'm looking at doing one.-Deena
There was BEER at the finish line??? Why didn't you invite us??? Not that we could run a marathon, but we certainly would have come to the after party!! lol Congratulations on such an amazing adventure. We are MORE than impressed! And 23 years...what did you get married when you were 10?
J & J
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