Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving Randomness


proceeding, made, or occurring without definite aim, reason, or pattern: the random selection of numbers.
Statistics . of or characterizing a process of selection in which each item of a set has an equal probability of being chosen.
A few random things from the coop...
I picked up this stunning scale at a flea market a few weeks ago with every intention of selling it.  Somehow I just can't part with this beautiful thing.  The perfect shade of green, the beautiful detail and the vintage coolness all added up to a fine addition to my kitchen counter.
My sister is hosting Thanksgiving this year and asked me to make the yams.  I have never made yams before and I have an aversion to the sweet yams with marshmallows all over them.  I am intrigued by the idea of combining the sweetness of yams with something savory or spicy.  Here is the recipe I've decided to make.

Chipotle Garnet Yams
I found the recipe on all recipes.com
click on the link below if you want to see more.
 Below are some really cute vintage Thanksgiving greetings.  Don't be mad, but I cannot remember where I found these!  Just enjoy...

There is this wonderful girl I know who decided to take up the cookbook challenge posted about here. She just happens to be my daughter and just happens to have a cooking blog called A Duck's Oven.  Go.  Read it now...
 I am thankful for you!  For your comments and e-mails. For sharing life, ideas and common interests together.
Take a moment today and reflect on something you are truly thankful for.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving week,

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

I love everything! Especially the scale and cards. And I'm loving cooking out of my books! :)