Chelsea is off to college. She is at the University of Oregon and is having a great time! This is such a big milestone not only for her but for Gary and I as her parents. I have reflected often these past several weeks on Chelsea, motherhood, letting go, youth etc. etc. There are so many mixed emotions that go with seeing your first born leave home. It seems like she was just going off to her first day of first grade, then I blinked and she was headed off to college. Chelsea has grown into a very beautiful, competent young woman. It is with great anticipation that we will be watching her over the next few years... Go Chelsea!!!
Dad and Chelsea in her dorm room
Mom and Chelsea. I just finished having my first (and only) melt down. Every mother is entitled to at least one. I sucked it up and stayed strong the rest of the time!

Chelsea in her new home for the next year...

So have a great time Chelsea, eat healthy, don't stay up too late, study hard, get good grades, and don't do anything I wouldn't do... Do any of you have words of wisdom for Chelsea???
Ah - these are sweet images. I love the one of her leaning against the bunk beds. I think you don't need to worry a bit about her...She will do wonderfully. My advice? I think it would be to enjoy these college days (not too much!) and relish them for what they are. One of my only regrets in life? Not going to college.
congratulations to you and to chelsea! i'm sure she'll do just great.
Well...I'm bawling right now! I am so silly! Annabelle just asked me what was wrong...agh! How do you ever get there? How can you ever let go? I can't even think about it!
Words of Wisdom for Chels- I love you! Remember you are not alone, your family, no matter what, will always be here for you! I will be praying for you! What an exciting time, have fun, and don't let a boy stop you from finishing school! (Ha!)
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